There’s a growing community of futurist who do not have a common place to gather information about each other and about the topics they contemplate. There are also limited chances for in-person interaction besides periodic conventions or conferences.
My solution is an app which would not only provide futurist social networking, but would also have links to popular databases, blogs, and libraries. It would be a way futurist can connect or do research on the go through their smart phones. The app would act to encourage interaction between futurist not only on the web, but in person as well. The idea is to promote communication between futurist to help in their future studies research and creating scenarios. It would allow futurist mid-discussion to seek relevant information on the topic to enhance in the exchange of ideas with other futurist.
For example, two commiserating futurist wanted to incorporate others into their conversation. Using the app, they could contact members listed under the topic they were interested in discussing. The app would allow them to search topics then find those connected with those interest or expertise. They could then arrange to meet on-line or in-person through an instant messenger on the app. During their meeting, the app could provide a way to share relevant information on the topic or serve as a way to access research information quickly. They could also instant message to individual members, even during group meetings. Users could also upload files to share with other community members. The app is similar to the Team App which allows for a closed social network. It would let futurist set up groups so that communications between them are private.
The app would also be valuable to journalist who could connect with experts on the topic they are researching or find links to more information.
The estimated time needed to create this product would be about 18 months with an estimated cost of about $20-$50 thousand dollars to create. The funding could come from a grant from the World Future Society or other Futurist organization. It could also be funded through a loan or crowd sourcing. The services of a software developer would be needed to create the app. These could be paid for from the funding money.
Dear Futura Bazaar,
good to meet you and great to have you in my assigned group for the second half of #506iv.
Love your app idea- your proposal is very well written and explains the process you have in mind in great detail.
I would also include a short description of your interpretation of the term “futurist”. Your pitch audience might find that helpful.