I am interested in the changing communications marketplace and how it will change the way we live our lives. Just as many inventions have changed the course of humanity, so will the current digital revolution we are experiencing. It’s moving so fast business and culture is having a hard time keeping up. I am looking at the possibilities good and bad that may become of those of us who work in the communications industry and those who are affected by it. I am old enough to understand from where we have come and ridden the changing tide of technology into the present. I am still young enough to be excited about the future about what it holds and changes to come as the industry changes. I also have experience in production and business, so I understand the use of creativity for monetary gains.
The print medium, newspapers and books, but also the broadcast medium, radio, television and film, have been forever changed by the digital revolution. Changes are rapid in not just how those mediums are created but how they are consumed. This means a change in how money is to be made in the industry. That creates a question of survival for the remaining media empires in the 21st century, as they must find new ways of creating revenue streams in the digital world to cover for the decreased revenues from traditional media delivery. This blog is dedicated to looking at the future bazaar.
Very interesting article, looking forward to where your posts will take us.
Do you think the possibilities you mention will primarily be good, bad or a healthy mixture?
I don’t seek to make a judgement call on what is good, bad, or otherwise about any industry changes. I seek only to provoke those discussions between readers by analyzing the effects of industry actions and technological advances on the media industry as a whole from producer, distributor, and consumer.
I liked how this post and your previous ended with a form of future bazaar. It may be interesting to continue closing your posts with this.
I am not thrilled saying this but your argument is bland (apologies for being blunt). Yes there are changes but what are they or what are some you found interesting/important? What possibilities are there? Where did technology start – with radio or even further back? There isn’t a sense why I should read your posts about the topic – saying things have changed is not enough. I am also interested in the changing nature of communications but how it applies to social media and reaching the audiences who grew up online. Maybe focus on radio and how that has changed in the digital age and add in other mediums once you have established your voice.
Your reply above gives a better sense of your goals and why I should read your posts. You may, however, need to pick a side on topics to give your own unique perspective on them.
I enjoyed your opening statement, “I am interested in the changing communications marketplace and how it will change the way we live our lives.” From this I was drawn into reading further because this affects my career in the same way.
I would try using different synonyms for “change”. Its used more than a couple of times. Try “evolve” out for size, or any other common word you may prefer.