Edward Cornish is the founder of The Futurist magazine and the World Futurist Society. He retired last year at the age of 87. I wanted to know more about Cornish but I found there was little biographical information about him and he did not have a Wikipedia page. I corresponded with the World Future Society and their representative put in me in contact with Jeff Cornish, Ed’s son. Jeff was kind enough to issue this information about his father. Here is his e-mail correspondence verbatim.
“Ed was born in New York City in 1927. His father was George Cornish, managing editor of the New York Herald Tribune. The 1939 New York World’s Fair and especially the General Motors “Futurama” exhibit was a strong influence. After graduating from Harvard, Ed went to work as a copy boy and then cub reporter for the Evening Star in Washington. He became a United Press correspondent in London, Paris, and Rome moving on to National Geographic and the story of the founding of WFS in “The Search for Foresight.”
“He’s now retired and living with me [his son] in Rockville, MD.”
Jeff Cornish recommended anyone wanting to know about his father’s role in creating the World Future Society to read
“The Search for Foresight” by Edward Cornish.