Promoting Communication Between Futurist: Social Media Campaign

The Association of Professional Futurist has tried a # hashtag Twitter campaign to promote communication between futurist at #futrchat. The event coordinator would arrange a time for a topic and an assigned futurist member would lead the topic conversation. It seems to have been popular at first in 2013 but has since then has waned. The campaign never went any further than Twitter.

This issue here is consistence and the need to bring it to a less controlled time frame for participation.

#FutureTalk would be the hashtags I would use to promote communication among futurist while promoting the Future Frontier App. The campaign would include using Twitter, YouTube, Soundcloud, and Instagram. Any futurist could post links to blogs, articles, videos, and pictures and use the #FutureTalk.


I would use the hashtag to promote people using the free app The Future Frontier “FF” for short. I would create videos to show how to use the app and why it will help promote communication among this relatively small demographic. I would create photos and info-graphics promoting communication within the futurist community through the app. I would create podcast with futurist topics and others may contribute by promoting their podcast through #FutureTalk that would all be easily accessible through the Future Frontier App.

The app would create a communication environment much like the Team App that local sports teams use to socially communicate amongst each other in a non-public environment. This is what I hope to foster through the Future Frontier App.

My ultimate goal is to foster communication within the futurist community.