Two Pitches On Futurist Products

Pitch One: Social Networking for the Futurist. This app would allow people interested in technological advances and research to quickly access articles by various futurist and scientist. The app would also connect users to libraries that will have articles available on various topics. The app would also allow users to upload files for sharing and an instant messenger. The idea is to promote communication between futurist to help in their future studies research and creating scenarios. It would allow futurist mid-discussion to seek relevant information on the topic to enhance in the exchange of ideas with other futurist.

Pitch Two: A biographical book about the creator of The Futurist magazine and the World Future Society. No one has ever written about Edward Cornish except Edward Cornish. His life is a fascinating tale about how his passion for the future began as a boy when he attended the World’s Fair in 1939 then blossomed into the motivation for the creation of the futurist movement in the United States.