Melissa Neeley-Nicolini

Welcome to Melissa Neeley-Nicolini's Jump Page

Course Reflection

When I began this class, I had not worked with HTML since 1998. Even then, I was not creating whole webpages with code. I was using HTML to create print documents for a publishing house. So my experience in this subject was close to nil. I really enjoyed this class and everything I learned. I embraced the projects and found I have a knack for coding. I wouldn't mind learning more and increase my front-end development skills. Unfortunately for me, this is the only coding class we have available for the ICM MS program. I plan on further developing my coding skills by continuing to study the resources provided in this class.

A few of my favorite webpages that I created this semester.

For my final project, I created a website that showcases my work in various mediums. It is formatted as a news website. Since the majority of my professional work has been as a journalist, I wanted a place where I could show my work in a more interesting and compelling way.

Visit My Final Project Site

My grandmother is 83 years old and is an excellent cook. She has tried to pass down her recipes by compiling them in a document. However, my family and I had a hard time replicating the results. I came up with the idea to showcase Grandma's cooking on a website. I created a website that includes a video of her giving instructions on how to make our favorite dishes, along with the recipe. The page isn't complete, but it's a nice start. The idea was a hit with my family.

Visit the "Cooking With Grandma Beverly" Site

I am also proud of the work I did learning PHP and putting it into action. On my class website, I created a form that then list the feedback below.

Visit My Feedback Page